





台湾 免疫细胞治疗

哥哥是学医的,他马上就要去台湾进修了。他跟我说台湾那边有很多先进的医疗方法,他一定能在那边学到很多东西。台湾 免疫细胞治疗是现在一种新型的治疗癌症的方法,会比传统的放疗化疗更有效果,而且能够极大地提高治愈的几率,还能减少患者的痛苦。哥哥说要是能把这个技术学到手之后,肯定就能拯救很多人。他现在去台湾学习是带着强烈的使命感的。我觉得当医生真的是一件很伟大的事情。哥哥以后肯定也会为医学做出贡献的,我会一直支持他的。

One piece 海賊王

這幾天同事突然喜歡看One piece海賊王了,不知道她是什麽時候開始看的,這段時間他的空間裏面全是和One piece 海賊王有關的消息,上班的時候他給我說他以前沒有看過One piece 海賊王呢,這次是跟著他弟弟看的,看了一段之后感覺非常好看,就自己從頭開始看了,發現在越看越有勁,現在都已經看了幾十集了,我說One piece 海賊王現在都已經更新到六百多集了,這是要看到什麽時候呀,他說這樣的才好呢,他就能一直接著看下去了,不像其他的看了一點還沒有看夠呢,就結束了


The students I was married, I heard he had already bought a house and car, the weekend to see him when we asked about him is what he bought a house and car, clearly that he is Loan to buy houses and cars, because if he does not buy these two words, his mother-in-law would don’t agree with him and his girlfriend marriage, he started to think of the first Loan the house and buy a car, so take it easy also married again, he calculated that he later every month to Loan are not many, he can afford, even after his wife does not work at home then, he can also, that he and girlfriend talked, agree

Part Time Design Course Singapore

In this year, the company has many years of work it! Other employees have got a chance of promotion, only I did not delay the opportunity for promotion. So there is a chat, I asked my boss what he told me, This is my level of expertise is not very good, suggested that I learn a Part Time Design Course Singapore, such as their ability to improve the time, the company will naturally promoted me, I feel that my leadership said it’s quite reasonable. So I reported a Part Time Design Course Singapore classes, and now I go every night to study courses, do not know how to meet the problem actively in class and asked the teacher, the teacher of course I also very good to me after doing a detailed answer, but also encouraged me to learn not to give up, and now my ability has been recognized by the company, I am very pleased, thinking about promotion and pay rise from the day is not far away.




From childhood I particularly like now I have already graduated from University, I especially like Gundam to accompany me, so now my room is the largest Gundam, a feeling of Gundam company sometimes when I have difficulties, and the most helpless time as soon as I see my Gundam I have confidence, so now I find a new job, on the first day to work and I took the one I like best. Gundam model on my desk, I want to have accompanied the surface of Gundam after work I also will be very smooth, Gundam will give me courage and confidence.


今天昨上我要出去慶祝一下。因爲我現在終於把貸款全部還完了,當我把自己貨款還清的時候我感覺一下子輕鬆好多。就是因爲自己當初上學的時候用了好多的助學貨款所以我平時都不會亂花錢的。因爲我知道我能上大學不容易,所以我一直都是省吃儉用的,等到我大學剛畢業,我就努力的去找工作。在工作中我也是非常的努力,我很想自己早早的把那些助學貸款還清。昨天 我算了一下,我現在的積蓄可以把我的那些貨款都還清了,所以我今天下午辦理好了手續現在我所有的貸款都還上了,我是不是應該爲自己慶祝一下呢。