

PDP 11

看來這次我也還真的是沒有換錯呢,因為以前的那個系統也就還是不好用了呢,就是想換一個呢,結果沒有想到那個修電腦的人也就還是給我推薦了這個PDP 11呢,說是現在的這個PDP 11就是非常的好用的,而且也還是很火的,我當時也就還是不知道到底那個好呢,所以也就還是讓他給我安裝了呢,結果沒有想到現在的這個PDP 11也就還是真的是非常的不錯的,現在我也就還真的是感覺到這個PDP 11就是好用的,我是感覺到很棒的,公司電腦也就還換成了這個PDP 11呢。

chinese writing class

It is the first time to the Chinese writing class, recently it has been a good friend in the Chinese writing class, at the beginning he let me do it or not, I also want to learn this language, the results did not think this is just a few days ah, I also it is in love with the Chinese writing class, is really feel that Chinese writing class is really good, and really feel China is very cow, I really started to learn the Chinese writing class, and my friends are have an appointment, there is a chance it still can go to China walk, the Chinese writing class if it is good.



solar energy monitor

現在真的是很多都是智能化的,好用了很多,平時用的手機是這樣,無處不在的監控系統什麼的也是這樣,我們的安全性能也是提高了不少,值得一提的就是現在的solar energy monitor這個真的是一個很好的東西,是很不錯的是可以安裝在手機上面的一個監控,更重要的是具有太陽能監控的性能,所以也是很不錯的一個,solar energy monitor是很方便快捷的,還是一個節能的裝置真的是挺不錯的,所以就覺得還是很不錯的一個東西,能利用到的地方也是很多的,所以還是很不錯的了。

osaka airport transfer

This osaka airport transfer did not think this is really surprising to me, really did not expect the osaka airport transfer is so let me love, and I really did not expect the osaka airport transfer is really too good, I really feel the osaka airport transfer is a love, but I did not think that too many people love the Osaka Airport Transfer, the osaka airport transfer also feel this really is great, the feel of the osaka airport transfer so I love it, I also really is the first time the Osaka Airport Transfer, but let me feel love, the future will or will this Osaka Airport transfer.



wushu singapore

One of his colleagues was especially fond of wushu Singapore, and he also had a certain understanding of wushu Singapore, and he also loved martial arts. Later in children more love martial arts’s sake, just give him a wushu class of Singapore, and is also a semester system, learning also carefully, every time in the wushu Singapore class, his cheerful go to class, happily back to imitate the teacher gave his teaching every movement, it seems, he does things also many, and sometimes see him do difficult moves, his own some love dearly. It takes time and energy to learn how to do it, and it’s also a special exercise for one’s willpower.

信義區 建案

看過相關的工程設計圖,還是覺的信義區 建案的設計圖還是挺好的,因為真的是這樣還是很好的,各個方面都覺得是很好的,所以就覺得還是很不一樣的了,也是可以學習的一個設計圖,能學到不少的方法還是很好的,信義區 建案一直都是業界設計圖做的最好的,真正實施的時候也是沒有什麼瑕疵的,所以就覺得還是很不錯的呢真的是很好了,作為這方面的新手真的是可以學習的對象,也是我最敬佩的一個,所以就還是很喜歡的還是很好的。

日本 買樓

好久沒有出去逛去了,我和我的媽媽一起去了日本那邊,我的媽媽的好朋友現在定居了日本,還在日本 買樓了,這個日本 買樓也是一件很不錯的事呢,聽媽媽說她也想在日本 買樓了,她想讓我在日本那邊學習,媽媽說日本的教育很不錯,媽媽也是很喜歡日本的環境和那邊的教育,到了日本那裏,我也感覺那裏的環境非常的不錯,在那裏我也是學到了很多的東西呢,那裏的垃圾都是分開放的,還有很多和國內不一樣的,也有好多都值得去學習的地方,日本 買樓是一個很不錯的選擇。