當我告訴我媽媽我要做拉皮手術的時候,我媽媽都快笑哭了,因為他告訴我說是拉皮是上了年紀的人才可以做拉皮呢,而我現在才二十歲,沒有必要去做拉皮手術我, 聽我媽媽說完之後我自己都笑了,原來我自己這麼傻,聽到別人說是要做拉皮的時候,我就激動 的 說是我也要做呢,現在看來是我應該陪著我媽媽去做拉皮手術,我很開心,我想我麼有啊! 只要這樣的話,我也可以見證到拉皮的魅力呢,等我以後老了的話呢,我再來做就行了。
data center security
These days do not know how, I do not know how my work that go on it, the results of my colleagues a proposal so that I can look for information to data center security, maybe there will be something I need then, after I heard very excited, I think his proposal is very good, so I quickly arrange for someone to data center security, it will also have to help me research and development projects, the results of my colleagues to the data center security for an afternoon can be considered not futile, because he has been our project data needed, and I am very happy, I think before the New Year and I can successfully developed out of it. It also can have a good year of it.
台湾 凤梨酥
之前我是不喜欢吃这种甜食的可是自从我朋友从台湾出差回来带了一些台湾 凤梨酥给我之后我就彻底的改变了之前不吃甜食了,当时我朋友说是这个台湾 凤梨酥特别的好吃才给我带了一些回来我还不开心,觉得朋友太不了解我了明知道我不喜欢吃这种东西还说专门给我带的太没有诚意了,可是我朋友那么真诚的眼睛让我不好意思说自己不喜欢,只好收下了在家里面放了好长时间,那天休假不想出去吃东西了家里面除了台湾 凤梨酥也没有其他的吃的我才拿了一个吃了一口结果就这一口就彻底的爱上了。
Taipei hotel near mrt
Did not expect this this Taipei hotel near mrt it really is very good too, I did not think this Taipei hotel near mrt so good, my colleagues gave me also say that there is more time, then go out to play a play with, she was also the last time just went to the Taipei hotel near mrt, so let me go play it once, but I really did not think this is really great, I am also a long time did not come out to play it, this is really is particularly happy, where I played for a long time to go back to class on it, is really very happy, I gave friends bought a lot of delicious fun things do, and in this Taipei hotel near mrt I also left a really good memory, is really special rods.
台中 晶亮瓷
多多就是給我說最近有一個台中 晶亮瓷呢,是很流行的,而且做出來是特別的不錯呢,我真的是特別的高興呢,因為我最近也是一直都有在想我到底是做還是不做呢,所以我也就現在有伴了,所以我也就和好朋友一起去做了那個台中 晶亮瓷呢,沒有想到效果還真的是特別的好呢,那個皮膚好的是沒有話說了,真的是特別的喜歡也很開心,就想以后我能多去做幾次就好了呢,真的是很開心呢,其他的朋友們見了我都說是我現在的狀態是特別的好呢,都不像是年齡大的人了。
Triple offset butterfly valve
Did not think the Triple offset butterfly valve also is really good too, it looks really good, but I also saw that a friend sent me a picture of it Triple offset butterfly valve, he said that this is the most recent she has been studying it, I looked at also feel it is really very good, but it feels really great work, especially the Triple offset butterfly valve use is too great, so I really it is particularly happy, because the friends also learn this profession really is very good, so I’ll have to learn a lot of good about the whole thing, so I have to learn more good stuff, really It is quite like this one.