在朋友的囑託下,我到了商場之後,就先到專門賣相機套的專櫃看看,因為我朋友從國外買回來一個高清數碼的相機之後,就特別的愛惜,還說是只有買了相機套之後,才可以使用呢。其實我也理解 他的這種做法,畢竟現在的電子產品都很容易摔壞的,所以當朋友把相機的品牌型號告訴我之後,我就知道他需要什麼樣的相機套了,他自己也說了最好是買那種防水,防摔功能比較好的相機套了,我看了一圈覺得給他買個這個相機套的話一定會滿意的。
graphic design
Like everyone else, I also do the graphic design in a Webpage design company,although I also in graphic design this industry was dry for a long time, but for myselfhave no faith, then think of this year over the years to resign, then to independent entrepreneurs, but when I give leadership to say is when I want to apply graphic designto work, he was very angry, said so far he still thinks I have a great potential in this respect, but I always get first to do graphic design, later I heard these words, thinkleadership analysis makes sense, is he let me see myself, so I have to work hard, do my graphic design.
在朋友的囑託下,我到了商場之後,就先到專門賣相機套的專櫃看看,因為我朋友從國外買回來一個高清數碼的相機之後,就特別的愛惜,還說是只有買了相機套之後,才可以使用呢。其實我也理解 他的這種做法,畢竟現在的電子產品都很容易摔壞的,所以當朋友把相機的品牌型號告訴我之後,我就知道他需要什麼樣的相機套了,他自己也說了最好是買那種防水,防摔功能比較好的相機套了,我看了一圈覺得給他買個這個相機套的話一定會滿意的。